osm-reverse-geocoder is a simple reverse geocoder for OpenStreetMaps. It does not require the installation of Nominatim or other packages, only the imported PostgreSQL database. Latest version at https://github.com/wardvanwanrooij/osm-reverse-geocoder
It takes about 0.2sec to reverse geocode a coordinate on my VPS (uncached, after reboot). You can benchmark your own installation with the included script by reverse geocoding 500 random (though fixed) coordinates in Europe.
export DBI_DSN="DBI:Pg:dbname=osm;host="
export DBI_USER="osm"
export DBI_PASS="***yourpassword***"
perl benchmark.pl
took 98 seconds to process 500 coordinates, 0.20 sec/coordinate
Install by loading the reverse_geocoder.sql script in your OSM database:
$ psql osm -f reverse_geocoder.sql
Installation requirements are:
- Tags must be present in the database (--hstore option in osm2pgsql)
- OSM import must be done in the default coordinate system (EPSG:3857)
Invoke the reverse geocoder by calling the reverse_geocode function with latitude and longitude (in WGS84) as parameters:
osm=> SELECT * FROM reverse_geocode(52.380021, 5.195351);
country_iso | country | city | street | housenumber | distance
NL | The Netherlands | Almere | Sesamstraat | 32 | 8.68894216514979
(1 row)
Any or all return values can be NULL.