What is this?
This is the Haxe API to load LDtk Project JSON files.
LDtk is a modern and open-source 2D level editor.
Issue tracker (shared) | API documentation | LDtk official page
- Compatible with all Haxe based frameworks and engines.
- Dedicated API for the following frameworks:
- Heaps.io
- HaxeFlixel
- Completely typed at compilation: if you rename any element in your project (ie. level, layer, entity, etc.), the corresponding references in your code will break accordingly, avoiding typical errors or mistypings.
- Full completion in VScode: if you have vs-haxe installed, you will get full completion while exploring your project file, based on its actual content, right from VScode.
haxelib install ldtk-haxe-api
Please check the full documentation and tutorials here:
You can check some examples in samples folder.
Samples are built to WebGL (Javascript) and Hashlink targets, but you can try them on other compatible platforms too.
You need a standard Haxe install, and both heaps and deepnightLibs libraries installed:
haxelib git heaps https://github.com/HeapsIO/heaps.git
haxelib git deepnightLibs https://github.com/deepnight/deepnightLibs.git
Building samples
Open a folder in the samples
folder (eg. samples\Generic - Generic - Read project
) and run:
haxe build.hxml
You can also build all samples in one go. Go in samples
folder and run:
haxe buildAll.hxml
Rebuild samples HXMLs
If you modify the API, you might need to rebuild samples HXML
s files themselves. In the root of the repo, run:
haxe genSamples.hxml
Unit tests
You can build and run unit tests manually using the following commands from the repository root.
JS/WebGL target
You will need Node interpreter to run the tests.
haxe tests\js.hxml
Neko target
You will need Neko VM interpreter to run the tests.
haxe tests\neko.hxml