
Fight off prying eyes with marzban-ezpz. Boost your online privacy, stay away from watchers, and take back the internet. Use Marzban & Xray's strength. Join the fight. πŸ’₯πŸ”’πŸŒ

Primary LanguageShell


Feel like you're always being watched online? Tired of feeling like a target? It's time to make a change. It's time for marzban-ezpz.

Meet marzban-ezpz – the perfect tool for anyone who values their online privacy. Take charge, break the rules, and create a safe online space where YOU set the limits. Dive into a world where the internet feels like your own safe space.

πŸ”₯ Features? They’re Breaking The Damn Molds Here! πŸ”₯

  • Unified GUI: Say goodbye to those maddening command lines! With Marzban's sleek interface, you're not just managing; you're ruling.
  • Xray-powered: Power up with Xray-core. Fast. Secure. Unyielding.
  • Censorship-resistant: Tired of those pesky digital walls? Smash through them. Marzban's got your back.
  • Multi-server support: Freedom means choice. Jump between servers with ease, or let Marzban balance it out for the optimum experience.
  • Integration and automation: Sharing, automation, API controls - it’s a brave new world!
  • Traffic and expiry date limitations: Be the watchful protector of your realm. Set limits. Monitor. Rule.

Get the full scoop and be amazed at the Marzban GitHub page.

πŸš€ Let's Get This Party Started: πŸš€

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoinvps/marzban-ezpz/main/x.sh)

Why Should You Care?

Designed with a focus on Cloudflare IPs specific to Iran provided by IRCF, this script simplifies the Marzban panel installation and gives you the tools to set up proxies that laugh in the face of:

  • VLESS-TLS-Websocket
  • VMess-TLS-Websocket
  • Trojan-TLS-Websocket

🎯 Preparation is Key: 🎯

Before you jump into this rebellion:

  • Ensure you have a Linux VPS server. IP blocks? Pfft. Swap 'em out 5 times a month with 🌍✨ BitcoinVPS Cloud! for free!
  • Own a domain name with Cloudflare?
  • Grab a Cloudflare API token. Need help?

πŸ›  What’s The Magic Behind The Script? πŸ› 

This script is your rebellion guide. Here’s the journey:

  1. Toolset Setup: Checks and brings in the big guns - 'jq' and 'docker'.
  2. Fetching IRCF Data: Grabs the IRCF list of Cloudflare IPs optimized for Iran.
  3. Domain Shenanigans: Pick, set, and link with the IRCF list using the Cloudflare API.
  4. Marzban Panel Setup: All about that domain action!
  5. Host Request Configuration: Point that domain right.
  6. Nginx Configuration: Seamless data flow, here we come.
  7. Integrating The Marzban Panel: Login details, updates, the works!
  8. Tailoring xray.json: Personalization at its finest.
  9. Booting Up: Launches Marzban Panel and nginx.
  10. Snagging That Access Token: Essential for the revolution.
  11. Crafting Proxy Hosts: All set with the IRCF list.

To Wrap It Up:

You're not just setting up. You're reclaiming. Welcome to a world where the Marzban Panel and Xray proxy server guard your digital rights.

πŸ’‘ Remember, in a world of surveillance, privacy isn't just a right. It's a revolution. Will you be a part of it? πŸ’‘