
Create a class employee with attributes I'd, name, city, salary,age, experience. That class should have function "isheoverpaid" and it should return yes if he paid more than 3experience100000 (for 1 to 5 years) 2.5*experience *100000 for more than 5 years experience. Otherwise it should return no Create class bank customer with attributes name, age, salary, amount. Functions credit and debit. both functions should take credit or debit amount as int, if invalid input is provided then it should ask for valid input for 5 times, after that it should break saying u have reached max. Amount of chances, please try afterwards. If input amount is valid then amount attribute to be updated accordingly

Primary LanguagePython


Create a class employee with attributes I'd, name, city, salary,age, experience. That class should have function "isheoverpaid" and it should return yes if he paid more than 3experience100000 (for 1 to 5 years) 2.5*experience *100000 for more than 5 years experience. Otherwise it should return no Create class bank customer with attributes name, age, salary, amount. Functions credit and debit. both functions should take credit or debit amount as int, if invalid input is provided then it should ask for valid input for 5 times, after that it should break saying u have reached max. Amount of chances, please try afterwards. If input amount is valid then amount attribute to be updated accordingly

Sample Ouput:

Enter name: Your_Name

Enter city: India Region

Enter salary: 120000

Enter age: 24

Enter experience: 2

Enter credit: 1000

Enter debit: 500

Enter Amount: 130000

[+] Searching for employee information... #########################################

  • Name: Sridhar
  • city: Bangalore
  • Age: 12
  • Experience (years): 2
  • Salary: 120000 ######################################### Salary Status >> You're NOT overpaid

[+] Searching for customer information... #########################################

  • Name: Sridhar
  • city: Bangalore
  • Age: 12
  • Credit: 1000
  • Debit: 500 #########################################
  • Balance: -500 #########################################

[+]you want to 1.Credit or 2.Debit
enter 1 or 2 1

enter the amount you want to credit: 500 account balance is 130500