Drunk driving is a serious problem that causes terrible repercussions not only for reckless drivers but also for their unfortunate victims. Although breathalyzers exist, the responsibility falls on the driver to have the equipment and wherewithal to self-administer the test with no fail-safe in place to prevent vehicle ignition. Our team dreamed of a solution that would take proactive action to prevent drunk drivers with impaired cognitive abilities from ever being able to take the wheel while providing a fun experience for users. Employing various visual-spatial ability tests and analyzing the reaction speed of users, we are able to measure if a driver is fit to drive. This is linked to our mechanical solution to discourage drunk driving, which is a device placed over one's car ignition. In the future, we hope to optimize our testing method so as to better grasp the cognitive abilities of safe drivers and target metrics which decline most severely in people who are under the effects of alcohol. We also see opportunities to extend this idea beyond the effects of alcohol on all forms of mental impairment including post-brain trauma, recreational drug use, and sleep deprivation.
Video: https://youtu.be/xrISYX7ayTE
Hack the Valley: https://hackthevalleyiii.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/hack-the-valley-iii/dashboard/6f917f2/submission/