
Primary LanguagePython

Ginear 🍸

PyPI version

Ginear is the perfect blend of Git and Linear, creating a seamless integration that allows you to attach or create Linear issues with automatic branch switching.



Before using Ginear, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • fzf: Ginear relies on this utility for fuzzy searching.
brew install fzf


You can install Ginear using pip:

pip install ginear

Getting Started

To start using Ginear, simply run the following command:


On your initial run, Ginear will onboard you to set the correct environment variables for your project. These variables are stored in a .ginear config file in your $HOME, which Ginear will use to provide a tailored integration experience. This configuration ensures that Ginear seamlessly connects Git and Linear for your specific project.

Command Overview

Ginear offers the following commands to enhance your workflow:


The gin command allows you to attach to an existing Linear issue or create a new one. When you run gin, Ginear will prompt you to select an existing issue from the list or create a new one.

gin commit

Use gin commit to create a new Linear issue with automatic branch switching and accompanying git commit.

gin create

Use gin create to create a new Linear issue directly from the command line. Ginear will guide you through the issue creation process and automatically handle branch switching if necessary.

gin project

With gin project, you can switch to a different Linear project within your organization. This command allows you to change your project context, and Ginear will adapt to the selected project's settings.

gin team

The gin team command allows you to switch between different teams within your organization. When you run gin team, Ginear will prompt you to select the team you want to work with from a list of available options.