
Counts lines of code, comments, functions, structs, imports etc in a go project

Primary LanguageGo


Build Status code-coverage

Utility for counting lines of code (LOC, CLOC, NCLOC) and structures/statements in a go package.


Within a package:

golocc ./...


golocc --no-vendor ./...

or from outside the package:

goloc $GOPATH/src/[some package]


flag function
d Target directory. Defaults to current working dir (deprecated)
o Output format. Supports text, json

Sample text output:

Lines of Code: 547 (36 CLOC, 511 NCLOC)
Packages:      4
Imports:       28
Structs:       12
Interfaces:    3
Methods:       11 (9 Exported, 221 LOC, 20 LOC Avg.)
Functions:     24 (21 Exported, 215 LOC, 8 LOC Avg.)
Ifs:           57 
Switches:      2 
Go Routines:   2 
Tests:         19 
Benchmarks:    1 
Assertions:    2 