
WebRTC examples using Sinatra; no dependency on node.js or WebSocket

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tiny WebRTC Examples - without node.js or WebSockets

This project contains WebRTC examples that use Sinatra and AJAX for signaling. It was created to demonstrate minimalistic data channel and media stream setup, and to demonstrate minimalistic signal exchange between two clients.

This project was inspired in part by: https://github.com/cjb/serverless-webrtc/

These examples do not use public STUN servers, so they may not work when peers are behind a network that uses NAT.


Sinatra (gem install sinatra)


ruby webrtc.rb

How it Works

Each example prompts for a channel name so multiple examples may be run concurrently. Each active client then polls that signaling channel via HTTP GET requests for incoming messages.

When a client begins the channel setup (by clicking 'Begin channel setup'), the client collects information about their own setup and network configuration, then POSTs that information to the Sinatra server in SDP (Session Description Protocol) format.

When another peer on the same channel (and from a different IP address) polls the channel again, that peer will receive the original client's SDP and generate their own SDP in response. After the response is generated, the response is POSTed to the same channel for the original client.

Once the initiator has received the peer response, the WebRTC channel will be established and the functionality can be demoed.

Please use the console in Chrome and Firefox to view debugging information.

Security Notes

This example project was build to demonstrate bare-bones signal handling. The SDP exchange is done in plain text, and the peer-to-peer data exchange is unencrypted.