
PostCSS plugin to sort rules content with specified order.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

PostCSS Sorting Build Status

PostCSS plugin to sort rules content with specified order. Heavily inspired by CSSComb.

Also available as Sublime Text plugin, Atom plugin, and VS Code plugin.


  • Plugin is sorting content for rules and at-rules.
  • Sorting nested rules.
  • Sorting at-rules, also by at-rule name and parameter.
  • Sorting variables.
  • Grouping content.
  • Support CSS, SCSS (if postcss-scss parser is used), PreCSS and most likely any other syntax added by other PostCSS plugins.

Table of Contents


$ npm install postcss-sorting


Default options

	"sort-order": "default",
	"empty-lines-between-children-rules": 0,
	"empty-lines-between-media-rules": 0,
	"preserve-empty-lines-between-children-rules": false


Set sort order. If no order is set, the plugin uses default config.

Note: Use one of predefined configs as an example.

Acceptable values:

  • {Array} of rules;
  • {Array} of arrays of rules for groups separation;
  • {String} with the name of predefined config.


Example: { "sort-order": [ "margin", "padding" ] }

/* before */
p {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;

/* after */
p {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
Prefixed properties

Prefixed properties may not be in sort order. Plugin will look for unprefixed property and if it find one it will use that property order for the prefixed property. It would be better not to write prefixed properties in CSS at all and delegate this job to Autoprefixer.

Example: { "sort-order": [ "position", "-webkit-box-sizing", "box-sizing", "width" ] }

/* before */
div {
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	width: 100%;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	position: absolute;
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

/* after */
div {
	position: absolute;
	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	width: 100%;


Using an array of arrays for sort-order separate content into groups by an empty line.

Example: { "sort-order": [ [ "margin", "padding" ], [ "border", "background" ] ] }

/* before */
p {
	background: none;
	border: 0;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

/* after */
p {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

	border: 0;
	background: none;


Any @at-rule inside another rule can be sorted. There is some keywords:

  • @atrule — any at-rule.
  • @atrulename — any at-rule with a specific name. Ex., @media or @mixin.
  • @atrulename parameter — any at-rule with specific name and parameter. Ex., @mixin clearfix.

Example: { "sort-order": ["@atrule", "@mixin", "border", "@some-rule hello", "@mixin clearfix"] }

/* before */
.block {
	@some-rule hello;
	border: none;
	@mixin clearfix;
	@media (min-width: 100px) {
		display: none;
	@mixin island;

/* after */
.block {
	@media (min-width: 100px) {
		display: none;
	@mixin island;
	border: none;
	@some-rule hello;
	@mixin clearfix;

Nested rules

>child keyword for nested rules.

Example: { "sort-order": [ ["position", "top", "width"], ['>child'] ] }

/* before */
.block {
	position: absolute;

	span {
		display: inline-block;

	width: 50%;

	&__element {
		display: none;

	top: 0;

/* after */
.block {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	width: 50%;

	span {
		display: inline-block;
	&__element {
		display: none;


$variable keyword is using to sort variables like $size.

Example: { "sort-order": [ ["$variable"], ["position", "top", "width", "height"] ] }

/* before */
.block {
	position: absolute;
	$width: 10px;
	top: 0;
	$height: 20px;
	height: $height;
	width: $width;

/* after */
.block {
	$width: 10px;
	$height: 20px;

	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	width: $width;
	height: $height;


When there are properties that are not mentioned in the sort-order option, they are inserted after all the sorted properties in the new group in the same order they were in the source stylesheet.

You can override this by using a “leftovers” token: ... — just place it either in its own group or near other properties in any other group and CSSComb would place all the properties that were not sorted where the ... was in sort-order.

So, with this value:

	"sort-order": [
		["...", "border"],

everything would go into five groups: variables, then group with position, then group containing all the leftovers plus the border, then group with all mixins and then the font.

Predefined configs

PostCSS Sorting have predefined configs:

  • default
  • zen
  • csscomb
  • yandex
  • smacss

Example: { "sort-order": "zen" }


Set a number of empty lines between nested children rules. By default there is no empty lines between >child rules.

Acceptable value: {Number} of empty lines

Example: { "empty-lines-between-children-rules": 1, "sort-order": [ ["..."], [">child"] ] }

/* before */
.block {
	position: absolute;

	span {
		display: inline-block;

	&__element {
		display: none;
	&:hover {
		top: 0;

/* after */
.block {
	position: absolute;

	span {
		display: inline-block;

	&__element {
		display: none;

	&:hover {
		top: 0;


Set a number of empty lines between nested media rules. By default there is no empty lines between @media rules.

Acceptable value: {Number} of empty lines

Example: { "empty-lines-between-media-rules": 1, "sort-order": ["@media"] }

/* before */
.block {
	@media (min-width: 1px) {}

	@media (min-width: 2px) {}
	@media (min-width: 3px) {}

/* after */
.block {
	@media (min-width: 1px) {}

	@media (min-width: 2px) {}

	@media (min-width: 3px) {}


Preserve empty lines between children rules and preserve empty lines for comments between children rules.

Acceptable value: true

Example: { "preserve-empty-lines-between-children-rules": true }

/* before */
.block {
	&:before {}
	&:after {}

	.element {}

	/* comment */

	.child {}

/* after (nothing changed) */
.block {
	&:before {}
	&:after {}

	.element {}

	/* comment */

	.child {}


Set a number of empty lines before comment or comments group, which on separate lines. By default, there are no empty lines before comment.

Acceptable value: {Number} of empty lines

Example: { "empty-lines-before-comment": 2, "sort-order": [ "..." ] }

/* before */
.hello {
	display: inline-block;
	/* upline comment 1 */
	/* upline comment 2 */
	font-style: italic;
	border-bottom: 1px solid red; /* trololo 1 */ /* trololo 2 */
	/* arrow */
	&:before {
		/* yeah */
		content: "";
	/* thing */
	&:after {
		/* joy */
		display: none;
	&__element {
		/* sdfsf */

/* after */
.hello {
	display: inline-block;

	/* upline comment 1 */
	/* upline comment 2 */
	font-style: italic;
	border-bottom: 1px solid red; /* trololo 1 */ /* trololo 2 */

	/* arrow */
	&:before {
		/* yeah */
		content: "";

	/* thing */
	&:after {
		/* joy */
		display: none;
	&__element {
		/* sdfsf */


Set a number of empty lines after comment or comments group, which on separate lines. By default, there are no empty lines after comment.

Acceptable value: {Number} of empty lines

Example: { "empty-lines-after-comment": 2, "sort-order": [ "..." ] }

/* before */
.hello {
	display: inline-block;
	/* upline comment 1 */
	/* upline comment 2 */
	font-style: italic;
	border-bottom: 1px solid red; /* trololo 1 */ /* trololo 2 */
	/* arrow */
	&:before {
		/* yeah */
		content: "";
	/* thing */
	&:after {
		/* joy */
		display: none;
	&__element {
		/* sdfsf */

/* after */
.hello {
	display: inline-block;
	/* upline comment 1 */
	/* upline comment 2 */

	font-style: italic;
	border-bottom: 1px solid red; /* trololo 1 */ /* trololo 2 */
	/* arrow */

	&:before {
		/* yeah */

		content: "";
	/* thing */

	&:after {
		/* joy */

		display: none;
	&__element {
		/* sdfsf */

Disabling in style sheet

The plugin can be temporarily turned off by using special comments.

/* postcss-sorting: off */
.block1 {
	width: 50px;
	display: inline-block;
/* postcss-sorting: on */

Due to plugin nature only comments in the root of stylesheet will affect plugin processing. In this case comments will be treated like regular comments:

.block5 {
	/* postcss-sorting: off */
	width: 20px;
	display: inline-block;
	/* postcss-sorting: on */

Migration from CSSComb

If you used to use custom sorting order in CSSComb you can easily use this sorting order in PostCSS Sorting. sort-order option in this plugin is compatible with sort-order in CSSComb. Just copy sort-order value from CSSComb config to PostCSS Sorting config.


See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.

Text editor

This plugin available as Sublime Text plugin, Atom plugin, and VS Code plugin.


Add Gulp PostCSS and PostCSS Sorting to your build tool:

npm install gulp-postcss postcss-sorting --save-dev

Enable PostCSS Sorting within your Gulpfile:

var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var sorting = require('postcss-sorting');

gulp.task('css', function () {
	return gulp.src('./css/src/*.css').pipe(
			sorting({ /* options */ })


Add Grunt PostCSS and PostCSS Sorting to your build tool:

npm install grunt-postcss postcss-sorting --save-dev

Enable PostCSS Sorting within your Gruntfile:


	postcss: {
		options: {
			processors: [
				require('postcss-sorting')({ /* options */ })
		dist: {
			src: 'css/*.css'

Related tools

If you want format stylesheets, use perfectionist or stylefmt, also a PostCSS-based tool.

Don't forget to lint stylesheets with stylelint!


This plugin is heavily inspired by CSSComb. Some code logic, tests, and documentation parts are taken from this tool.