
Implements One Shot Learning via Siamese Network

Primary LanguagePython


Implements Siamese Neural Network for One Shot Image Recognition


  1. Unzip the file at this location and add those files in 20180402-114759 folder (These are pre-trained weights)
  2. Pre-trained models are alread present in mtcnn folder
  3. Python modules required are
    • tensorflow==1.13.1
    • numpy==1.16.3
    • sklearn==0.20.0
    • cv2==3.4.3
    • flask==1.0.2
    • werkzeug==0.14.1
    • tqdm==4.28.1
    • matplotlib==2.2.4
    • pandas==0.23.4

Handling data

Enter your images in the folder data Make sure you enter images class-wise, i.e. if you have photos of 100 different people, make 100 folders inside data and keep at least 1 image inside each of it.

Note: Seems like there is some issue with using .png images. Try using .jpeg or .jpg

Running the model

Run the python files in the order

python create_face_embeddings
python align_dataset_mtcnn
python rest-server

The last commands launches a server at on which the FR system can be accessed

In case you want to train your own models, follow these 2 links:

Feel free to ping me in case anything is broken. Thanks for visiting. Cheers!