
Object localization in images using simple CNNs and Keras

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This project shows how to localize objects in images by using simple convolutional neural networks.


Before getting started, we have to download a dataset and generate a csv file containing the annotations (boxes).

  1. Download The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset
  2. Download The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset Annotations
  3. tar xf images.tar.gz
  4. tar xf annotations.tar.gz
  5. mv annotations/xmls/* images/
  6. Optionally for data augmentations: pip3 install imgaug
  7. python3 generate_dataset.py

Single-object detection

Example 1: Find the dogs/cats


First, let's look at YOLOv2's approach:

  1. Pretrain Darknet-19 on ImageNet (feature extractor)
  2. Remove the last convolutional layer
  3. Add three 3 x 3 convolutional layers with 1024 filters
  4. Add a 1 x 1 convolutional layer with the number of outputs needed for detection

We proceed in the same way to build the object detector:

  1. Choose a model from Keras Applications i.e. feature extractor
  2. Remove the dense layer
  3. Freeze some/all/no layers
  4. Add one/multiple/no convolution block (or _inverted_res_block for MobileNetv2)
  5. Add a convolution layer for the coordinates

The code in this repository uses MobileNetv2 [1], because it is faster than other models and the performance can be adapted. For example, if alpha = 0.35 with 96x96 is not good enough, one can just increase both values (see [2] for a comparison). If you use another architecture, change preprocess_input.

  1. python3 example_1/train.py
  2. Adjust the WEIGHTS_FILE in example_1/test.py (given by the last script)
  3. python3 example_1/test.py


In the following images red is the predicted box, green is the ground truth:

Image 1

Image 2

Example 2: Find the dogs/cats and distinguish classes

This time we have to run the scripts example_2/train.py and example_2/test.py.


In order to distinguish between classes, we have to modify the loss function. I'm using here w_1*log((y_hat - y)^2 + 1) + w_2*FL(p_hat, p) where w_1 = w_2 = 1 are two weights and FL(p_hat, p) = -(0.9(1 - p_hat)^2 p*log(p_hat) + 0.1*p_hat^2(1 - p)log(1-p_hat)) (focal loss).

Instead of using all 37 classes, the code will only output class 0 (contains only class 0) or class 1 (contains class 1 to 36). However, it is easy to extend this to more classes (use categorical cross entropy instead of focal loss and try out different weights).

Multi-object detection

Example 3: Segmentation-like detection


In this example, we use a skip-net architecture similar to U-Net. For an in-depth explanation see my blog post.





Improve accuracy (IoU)

  • enable augmentations: set AUGMENTATION=True in generate_dataset.py and install imgaug.
  • better augmentations: increase AUGMENTATION_PER_IMAGE and try out different transformations.
  • for MobileNetv1/2: increase ALPHA and IMAGE_SIZE in train_model.py
  • other architectures: increase IMAGE_SIZE
  • add more layers
  • try out other loss functions (MAE, smooth L1 loss etc.)
  • other optimizer: SGD with momentum 0.9, adjust learning rate
  • use a feature pyramid
  • read keras-team/keras#9965

Increase training speed

  • increase BATCH_SIZE
  • less layers, IMAGE_SIZE and ALPHA


  • If the new dataset is small and similar to ImageNet, freeze all layers.
  • If the new dataset is small and not similar to ImageNet, freeze some layers.
  • If the new dataset is large, freeze no layers.
  • read http://cs231n.github.io/transfer-learning/


[1] M. Sandler, A. Howard, M. Zhu, A. Zhmoginov, L.-C. Chen. MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks.

[2] https://github.com/keras-team/keras-applications/blob/master/keras_applications/mobilenet_v2.py