
get notified when website changes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


(tl;dr) get notified, when website changes.

This script regularly requests a webpage's content (while also handling a basic authentication) and then compares how often a certain substring occurs. If the number of occurencies differ from status quo, it will give you a notification-message via Telegram.

Installation and Configuration

In terminal:

If necessary, install the python package-manager 'pip3':

$sudo apt update

$sudo apt install python3-pip

Clone this repository:

$git clone https://github.com/warneat/website-change

To install required Packages, cd into the new directory and run install requirements

$cd website-change

$pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create a Telegram Bot:

On your smartphone:

Talk to Botfather to create a new bot: https://telegram.me/BotFather

Send him:


Choose a name and a username for your bot. Botfather will give you the API-Token to access and control your bot.

In terminal:

To configure telegram-send:

$telegram-send --configure

If prompted, add the location where pip3 installed the python modules and packages to PATH (adjust for your environment; the output of the pip-installation probaply gave you a hint)

$export PATH=/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH

You will be asked for the API-Token. Enter it. Open the url and send the given password to the bot.


Set your config variables URL, USER, PWRD, SUBSTRING, and SLEEP_SECONDS at the beginning of the python script with your desired editor. Make sure to insert the whole URL, as your browser might hide something after a "?"

There you have it!

Run the script with $python3 website_change.py or (after making i executable with chmod +x website_change.py): $./website_change.py. I highly recommend, using a cronjob on startup (see below)

Unfortunately, the message 'running...' does not mean, it is working (yet). To get some insight in what is being requested, run $./website_change_show.py for a human-readable version in your command-prompt.

Further reading:

To start the script automatically and keep it running without an open terminal window consider using cronjob on startup with a little delay:

$crontab -e

For example on a Raspberry Pi add this line at the bottom:

@reboot sleep 20 && /home/pi/website-change/website_change.py > /dev/null 2>&1

Otherwise you might want to use screen (ultra-quick tutorial) via ssh, to keep process running in the background.


  • Improve security, e.g do not store password in python script, as it is basically a text file:
    • add configuration dialog?
    • gain more knowledge about config-files.
    • use cloud solution as a capsule? (virtual machine)
  • An alternative module with more features 'python-telegram-bot' is now available. >Implement?
  • Add feature to request a status message or interact in some way.

Feedback is very much apprechiated