
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a command line tool to trigger any kind of action in response to any interesting event in a software development project (such as build server events, commit events, deployment events, etc.).

This is intended to run unattended on a server and is not really intended for local notifications on a developer's machine. If this is what you're looking for, take a look at build reactor instead.

Any kind of action can be taken in response to these events - playing a sound, announcement in an irc session, firing a projectile at a developer, emitting an odour etc.

State is persisted between executions so that it be scheduled to run regularly with crontab or it can simply be run as a long polling process.


$ gem install chicanery


Create a configuration file. This file is just a ruby file that can make use of a few configuration and callback methods:

require 'chicanery/git'
include Chicanery::Git
git 'chicanery', '.', branches: [:master], remotes: {
  github: { url: 'git://github.com/markryall/chicanery.git' }

require 'chicanery/cctray'
include Chicanery::Cctray
cctray 'tddium', 'https://cihost.com/cctray.xml'

when_run do |state|
  puts state.has_failure? ? "something is wrong" : "all builds are fine"

when_commit do |repo, commit, previous|
  puts "commit #{previous}..#{commit} detected in repo #{repo}"

when_succeeded do |job_name, job|
  puts "#{job_name} has succeeded"

when_failed do |job_name, job|
  puts "#{job_name} has failed"

when_broken do |job_name, job|
  `afplay ~/build_sounds/ambulance.mp3`
  puts "#{job_name} is broken"

when_fixed do |job_name, job|
  `afplay ~/build_sounds/applause.mp3`
  puts "#{job_name} is fixed"

Now you can schedule the following command with cron:

chicanery myconfiguration

Or to continuously poll every 10 seconds, add the following line to the configuration:

poll_period 10

You'll notice a file called 'state' is created which represents the state at the last execution. This is then restored during the next execution to detect events such as a new build succeeding/failing.

If you want to specify an alternate location for this state file, add the following line to your configuration file:

persist_state_to '/tmp/build_state'



The 'when_run' callback is executed on every poll.


The following callbacks may be received after checking a CI server:

  • when_started - when a new job has started
  • when_succeeded - when a job finishes successfully
  • when_failed - when a job finishes unsuccessfully
  • when_broken - when a previously passing job fails
  • when_fixed - when a previously failing job passes


The following callbacks may be received after checking a source repository:

  • when_commit - when a new commit is detected in the repository

Currently only git repositories are supported.


The following callbacks may be received after checking a web site:

  • when_up - the website responded with a 2xx HTTP status
  • when_down - the website did not responded with a 2xx HTTP status
  • when_crashed - the website was previously up and is now down
  • when_recovered - the website was previously down and is now up

Supported CI servers

Currently only ci servers that can provide Multiple Project Summary Reporting Standard are supported.

This includes thoughtworks go, tddium, travisci, circleci, jenkins, teamcity, cc.net and several others:

For a jenkins or hudson server, monitor http://jenkins-server:8080/cc.xml

For a go server, monitor https://go-server:8154/go/cctray.xml

For a travis ci project, monitor https://api.travis-ci.org/repositories/owner/project/cc.xml

For a tddium project, monitor the link 'Configure with CCMenu' which will look something like https://api.tddium.com/cc/long_uuid_string/cctray.xml

For team city, monitor the http://teamcity:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/cctray/projects.xml (requires credentials) or http://teamcity:8111/guestAuth/app/rest/cctray/projects.xml for guest. See documentation for more information.

For a circleci project, monitor the links https://circleci.com/cc.xml?circle-token=:circle-token, https://circleci.com/gh/:owner/:repo.cc.xml?circle-token=:circle-token or https://circleci.com/gh/:owner/:repo/tree/:branch.cc.xml?circle-token=:circle-token. See documentation for more details.

Basic authentication is supported by passing :user => 'user', :password => 'password' to the Chicanery::Cctray constructor. https is supported without performing certificate verification (some ci servers such as thoughtworks go generates a self signed cert that would otherwise be rejected without significant messing around). You can turn certificate verification back on by passing :verify_ssl => true.

Plans for world domination

  • monitoring a mercurial repository for push notifications
  • monitoring a subversion repository for commit notifications
  • monitoring more ci servers (atlassian bamboo, etc.)
  • other interesting notifier plugins or examples


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request