
This is a sample microservice application built with Spring Boot and Docker, deployed on Amazon ECS, to manage milkshakes

This service demonstrates deployment with mu

Review the steps below to learn how it was created and how to create your own:

Step 1: Set up your environment

You will need to install the Spring Boot CLI to get started. The recommended way is to use SDKMAN!. First install SDKMAN! with:

$ curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash

Then, install Spring Boot with:

$ sdk install springboot

Alternatively, you could install with Homebrew:

$ brew tap pivotal/tap
$ brew install springboot

Or MacPorts:

$ sudo port install spring-boot-cli

Step 2: Scaffold out your microservice project

Use the Spring Boot CLI to create a project:

$ spring init --build=gradle --package-name=com.stelligent --dependencies=web,actuator,hateoas -n Milkshake milkshake-service

Step 3: Create a REST domain, repository, resource and controller

write some code...

Step 4: Run it locally

Start the app by running:

$ gradle bootRun

Try it out:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/milkshakes