Spaced repetition API!

Local dev setup

todo - change dunders to underscores

If using user dunder-mifflin:

mv example.env .env
createdb -U dunder-mifflin spaced-repetition
createdb -U dunder-mifflin spaced-repetition-test

If your dunder_mifflin user has a password be sure to set it in .env for all appropriate fields. Or if using a different user, update appropriately.

npm install
npm run migrate
env MIGRATION_DB_NAME=spaced-repetition-test npm run migrate

And npm test should work at this point

Configuring Postgres

For tests involving time to run properly, configure your Postgres database to run in the UTC timezone.

  1. Locate the postgresql.conf file for your Postgres installation.
    1. E.g. for an OS X, Homebrew install: /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf
    2. E.g. on Windows, maybe: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11.2\data\postgresql.conf
    3. E.g on Ubuntu 18.04 probably: '/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf'
  2. Find the timezone line and set it to UTC:
# - Locale and Formatting -

datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
#intervalstyle = 'postgres'
timezone = 'UTC'
#timezone_abbreviations = 'Default'     # Select the set of available time zone


Start the application npm start

Start nodemon for the application npm run dev

Run the tests mode npm test

Run the migrations up npm run migrate

Run the migrations down npm run migrate -- 0