Node.js server to convert DASH video stream manifests to HLS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Node.js server to convert DASH video stream manifests to HLS

Summary of Behavior

  • runs an HTTP(S) server
  • each inbound request includes:
    • required in URL path:
      • base64 encoded URL for a DASH manifest
    • optional in querystring parameters:
      • &dump=1
        • outputs a dump of JSON data
          • which is mainly useful for me during development
      • &VOD=1
        • HLS master manifest forwards this querystring parameter in URLs for all HLS child manifests
        • HLS child manifests include:
          • prefix: #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD
          • suffix: #EXT-X-ENDLIST
        • this overrides the default behavior, which is to determine VOD when the DASH manifest does not include: MPD@type="dynamic"
      • &playlist=bandwidth
        • outputs an HLS child manifest for the given playlist (as identified by its integer bandwidth)
        • media group: VIDEO
      • &group_type=(AUDIO|SUBTITLES)&group_id=id&group_lang=lang&group_index=0
        • outputs an HLS child manifest for the given media group
        • media group: AUDIO|SUBTITLES
      • [default]
        • outputs the HSL master manifest
        • includes URLs to access all HLS child manifests
  • when each inbound request is received:
    • the base64 encoded DASH manifest URL is used as a key to lookup whether a parsed data structure representing the DASH manifest is temporarily held in a cache
      • if not, then:
        • download the DASH manifest
          • several command-line options are available to configure HTTP requests made to external servers
        • parse its contents (using mpd-parser library)
        • add the parsed DASH data structure to the cache
        • continue..
    • the querystring parameters are used to determine which HLS manifest to output
      • the parsed DASH data structure is used to produce this result

Installation and Usage: Globally

How to: Install:

npm install --global "@warren-bank/dash-to-hls"

How to: Run the server(s):

dash-to-hls [--help] [--version] [--tls] [--host <ip_address>] [--port <number>] [--req-headers <filepath>] [--origin <header>] [--referer <header>] [--useragent <header>] [--header <name=value>] [--req-options <filepath>] [--req-secure-honor-server-cipher-order] [--req-secure-ciphers <string>] [--req-secure-protocol <string>] [--req-secure-curve <string>] [-v <number>] [--acl-whitelist <ip_address_list>]


  1. print help
    dash-to-hls --help

  2. print version
    dash-to-hls --version

  3. start HTTP server at default host:port

  4. start HTTP server at default host and specific port
    dash-to-hls --port "8080"

  5. start HTTP server at specific host:port
    dash-to-hls --host "" --port "8080"

  6. start HTTPS server at default host:port
    dash-to-hls --tls

  7. start HTTPS server at specific host:port
    dash-to-hls --tls --host "" --port "8081"

  8. start HTTPS server at default host:port and send specific HTTP headers
    dash-to-hls --tls --req-headers "/path/to/request/headers.json"


  • --tls is a flag to start HTTPS server, rather than HTTP
  • --host must be an IP address of the server
    • ex:
    • used to generate self-referencing URLs in the master HLS manifest to query each child manifest
    • when this option is not specified:
      • the list of available network addresses is determined
      • if there are none, 'localhost' is used silently
      • if there is only a single address on the LAN, it is used silently
      • if there are multiple addresses:
        • they are listed
        • a prompt asks the user to choose (the numeric index) of one
  • --port is the port number that the server listens on
    • ex: 8080
    • used to generate self-referencing URLs in the master HLS manifest to query each child manifest
    • when this option is not specified:
      • HTTP server binds to: 80
      • HTTPS server binds to: 443
  • --req-headers is the filepath to a JSON data Object containing key:value pairs
    • each key is the name of an HTTP header to send in in every outbound request
  • --origin is the value of the corresponding HTTP request header
  • --referer is the value of the corresponding HTTP request header
  • --useragent is the value of the corresponding HTTP request header
  • --header is a single name:value pair
    • this option can be used multiple times to include several HTTP request headers
    • the pair can be written:
      • "name: value"
      • "name=value"
      • "name = value"
  • --req-options is the filepath to a JSON data Object
  • --req-secure-honor-server-cipher-order is a flag to set the following key in the request options Object to configure the context for secure https requests:
    • {honorCipherOrder: true}
  • --req-secure-ciphers is the value to assign to the following key in the request options Object to configure the context for secure https requests:
    • {ciphers: value}
  • --req-secure-protocol is the value to assign to the following key in the request options Object to configure the context for secure https requests:
    • {secureProtocol: value}
  • --req-secure-curve is the value to assign to the following key in the request options Object to configure the context for secure https requests:
    • {ecdhCurve: value}
  • -v sets logging verbosity level:
    • -1:
      • silent
    • 0 (default):
      • show errors only
    • 1:
      • show an informative amount of information
    • 2:
      • show technical details
    • 3:
      • show an enhanced technical trace (useful while debugging unexpected behavior)
  • --acl-whitelist restricts server access to clients at IP addresses in whitelist
    • ex: ",,"

Installation and Usage: Working with a Local git Repo

How to: Install:

git clone "https://github.com/warren-bank/DASH-to-HLS.git"
cd "DASH-to-HLS"
npm install

How to: Run the server(s):

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If using a port number >= 1024 on Linux, or
# If using Windows:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
npm start [-- [--help] [--version] [--tls] [--host <ip_address>] [--port <number>] [--req-headers <filepath>] [--origin <header>] [--referer <header>] [--useragent <header>] [--header <name=value>] [--req-options <filepath>] [--req-secure-honor-server-cipher-order] [--req-secure-ciphers <string>] [--req-secure-protocol <string>] [--req-secure-curve <string>] [-v <number>] ]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# https://www.w3.org/Daemon/User/Installation/PrivilegedPorts.html
# Linux considers port numbers < 1024 to be privileged.
# Use "sudo":
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
npm run sudo [-- [--help] [--version] [--tls] [--host <ip_address>] [--port <number>] [--req-headers <filepath>] [--origin <header>] [--referer <header>] [--useragent <header>] [--header <name=value>] [--req-options <filepath>] [--req-secure-honor-server-cipher-order] [--req-secure-ciphers <string>] [--req-secure-protocol <string>] [--req-secure-curve <string>] [-v <number>] ]


  1. print help
    npm start -- --help

  2. start HTTP server at specific host:port
    npm start -- --host "" --port "8080"

  3. start HTTPS server at specific host:port
    npm start -- --host "" --port "8081" --tls

  4. start HTTP server at default host:port with escalated privilege
    npm run sudo -- --port "80"

  5. start HTTPS server at default host:port with escalated privilege
    npm run sudo -- --port "443" --tls

  6. start HTTP server at specific port and send custom request headers

echo '{"Origin" : "http://XXX:80", "Referer": "http://XXX:80/page.html"}' > "$headers_file"
npm start -- --port "8080" --req-headers "$headers_file"
  1. start HTTPS server at specific port and send custom request headers
echo '{"Origin" : "http://XXX:80", "Referer": "http://XXX:80/page.html"}' > "$headers_file"
npm start -- --port "8081" --req-headers "$headers_file" --tls -v 1
  1. start HTTPS server at specific port and send custom request headers
h_custom_1='X-Foo: 123'
h_custom_2='X-Bar: baz'
npm start -- --port "8081" --origin "$h_origin" --referer "$h_referer" --useragent "$h_useragent" --header "$h_custom_1" --header "$h_custom_2" --tls -v 1

