
Mini online shop, selling downloadable products, support PayPal, default language is Chinese('zh-HK'). 小型網上商店,銷售可供下載的商品,使用PayPal支付系統,可支援多種語言,預設為繁體中文。

Primary LanguageRuby


A simple online shop selling downloadable products. Users can pay for the products using credit card or through PayPal.

Initially, it supports both English and Chinese(zh-hk). It can be extended for other languages.


  • Based on kowloon
  • Able to generate continuous/non-interrupted numeric sequence as order number
  • Use Gmail for email delivery
  • Administration functions include
    • User management
    • Product management
    • Order management
  • Versatile products structure. Products can either be an item or a package
    • Item is the basic element for sale
    • Item may have variations, which have different prices. For example, a book is sold as a simple text file or a colorful pdf file.
    • Different items can be packed into a single package, usually at a discounted price


  1. Install gem log4r
  2. Create the following directories
    1. log
    2. tmp
    3. asset
    4. public/pictures
  3. Edit config/app_config.yml to define system parameters
  4. Edit config/initializers/mail.rb to use Gmail as mail server
  5. Edit config/paypal_config.rb to store your PayPal API signature


  • URL for administrative functions is ‘http://yourdomain/manage’. Default adminstrator is ‘minishopadmin’ and password is ‘secretpassword’
  • SSL is not enabled