
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of Metal for UI and visualizations.

Primary LanguageCzlib LicenseZlib

Fair warning: This project is a hard fork of the original NanoVG. It does not contribute upstream, it is not cross-platform, and it has no vestiges of the OpenGL API. Do not use this project unless you are only interested in a high-performance vector graphics rendering library for Metal on Apple platforms only.


NanoVG is small antialiased vector graphics rendering library for OpenGL. It has lean API modeled after HTML5 canvas API. It is aimed to be a practical and fun toolset for building scalable user interfaces and visualizations.


screenshot of some text rendered with the sample program


The NanoVG API is modeled loosely on HTML5 canvas API. If you know canvas, you'll be up to speed with NanoVG in no time.

Creating drawing context

The drawing context is created using a platform-specific constructor function. If you're using the Metal backend, the context is created as follows:

#define NANOVG_METAL_IMPLEMENTATION	// Use Metal implementation.
#include "nanovg_metal.h"
struct NVGcontext* vg = nvgCreateMetal(mtlDevice, mtlCommandQueue, NVG_ANTIALIAS | NVG_STENCIL_STROKES);

The last parameter defines flags for creating the renderer.

  • NVG_ANTIALIAS means that the renderer adjusts the geometry to include anti-aliasing. If you're using MSAA, you can omit this flags.
  • NVG_STENCIL_STROKES means that the render uses better quality rendering for (overlapping) strokes. The quality is mostly visible on wider strokes. If you want speed, you can omit this flag.

NOTE: The frame buffer you render to must have exactly one color attachment (of format MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm) and a stencil attachment of format MTLPixelFormatStencil8.

Drawing shapes with NanoVG

Drawing a simple shape using NanoVG consists of four steps: 1) begin a new shape, 2) define the path to draw, 3) set fill or stroke, 4) and finally fill or stroke the path.

nvgRect(vg, 100,100, 120,30);
nvgFillColor(vg, nvgRGBA(255,192,0,255));

Calling nvgBeginPath() will clear any existing paths and start drawing from blank slate. There are number of number of functions to define the path to draw, such as rectangle, rounded rectangle and ellipse, or you can use the common moveTo, lineTo, bezierTo and arcTo API to compose the paths step by step.

Understanding Composite Paths

Because of the way the rendering backend is build in NanoVG, drawing a composite path, that is path consisting from multiple paths defining holes and fills, is a bit more involved. NanoVG uses even-odd filling rule and by default the paths are wound in counter clockwise order. Keep that in mind when drawing using the low level draw API. In order to wind one of the predefined shapes as a hole, you should call nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_HOLE), or nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_CW) after defining the path.

nvgRect(vg, 100,100, 120,30);
nvgCircle(vg, 120,120, 5);
nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_HOLE);	// Mark circle as a hole.
nvgFillColor(vg, nvgRGBA(255,192,0,255));

Rendering is wrong, what to do?

  • make sure you have created NanoVG context using one of the nvgCreatexxx() calls
  • make sure you have initialized your Metal view with a stencil buffer
  • make sure you have cleared the stencil buffer
  • make sure you precede your nvgBeginFrame() call with a call to nvgBeginFrameMetal(...) to provide your per-frame rendering objects (command buffer and render command encoder).
  • make sure all rendering calls happen between nvgBeginFrame() and nvgEndFrame()
  • if the problem still persists, please report an issue!

API Reference

See the header file nanovg.h for API reference.


Projects using NanoVG


The library is licensed under zlib license Fonts used in examples:


NanoVG mailing list


Uses stb_truetype (or, optionally, freetype) for font rendering. Uses stb_image for image loading.