Taskify is a MERN application that helps organizations manage tasks and distribute them among employees. It also has a real-time commenting system below each task. This allows team members to collaborate and communicate effectively on tasks, which can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
- All API are located in the Api folder
- MVC(Model-view-Controller) architecture followed
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB Atlas
- ReactJS
- Redux (check out taskify previous version implemented with redux and local storage:https://taskify-simpler-way-to-manage-tasks.vercel.app)
- MaterialUI
- Tailwindcss
- Realtime Cloud Firestore for storing chats
- firebase authentication
- Vercel for frontend deployment and Render for backend deployment
- Simple landing page, Authentication with firebase(Registration,login,logout)
- Overview page: Displays Total tasks created , In progress Tasks and completed tasks.
- Tasks management page: Displays the tasks created previous (fetched from mongodb atlas)
- Create new tasks, Update tasks, Delete tasks, Mark as done functionalities
- With Commenting functionalities below each tasks(implemented with Firestore cloud).
- Git clone the repository.
- Open two terminals
- cd backend
- yarn (to install all the dependencies)
- yarn start
-cd frontend -yarn -yarn start
- Faced problem in deploying the backend api as the MongoDB atlas was not able to connect.
- To overcome this issue:Firstly I set up a node engine in my package.json
- I changed the location of both my database and Render(deploy).
- Then changed the IP address to allow worldwide(