This is a zero-sum MMO. You get a township, and build a town to attract citizens — build schools, roads, transit systems, etc. Citizens will move to the best town for them — so you have to be competitive. However, the whole ecosystem shares one atmosphere — if everyone pollutes while building their towns, citizens become sicker and sicker, eventually die, and the game ends for everyone — you'll be presiding over a ghost town.
docs: phoenix liveview mnesia
Make sure postgres is installed.
To start your Phoenix server:
mix setup
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
inside theassets
directory- this might not be a thing anymore
make sure Postgres is running, then start the Phoenix endpoint with iex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
folder has the server stuffauth
has authcity
has modules for city stuff — buildables, citizens, details, town(cities)town.ex
has town town — it's thebuildable.ex
has the multipliers for region-specific stuffcity_calculator.ex
is how the city values are calculated each round
- other files like city, repo are functions for DB calls / etc
has the live-view and web stuff
to add new buildables:
- add in buildable.ex
mix ecto.reset
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
Ready to run in production? Check Phoenix deployment guides.
The game can be deployed to via the auto-generated Dockerfile
$ fly launch # Opt-in to creating a Postgres database
$ fly deploy
$ fly open
To view production logs
$ fly logs
to reset the prod DB — iex in and run, :down, all: true)
, then redeploy
To IEX in to prod:
fly ssh console
app/bin/mayor_game remote
world = MayorGame.City.get_world(1)
MayorGame.City.update_world(world, %{pollution: 1000000})
city = MayorGame.City.get_town_by_title!("hi21")
city = MayorGame.City.get_town_by_title!("wat")
MayorGame.City.update_town(city, %{rock_yards: 10})
MayorGame.Auth.update_user(user, %{email_confirmation_token: "watsjjshjkfdjskal"})
To update all:
import Ecto.Query
from(t in MayorGame.City.OngoingAttacks)|> MayorGame.Repo.delete_all([])
from(t in MayorGame.City.Town, update: [set: [logs_deaths_housing: 0]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
from(t in MayorGame.City.Town, where: t.treasury < 0, update: [set: [treasury: 0]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
reset login dates for dev:
date = Date.utc_today()
from(t in MayorGame.City.Town, update: [set: [last_login: ^date]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
from(u in MayorGame.Auth.User, where: == 2115, update: [set: [unconfirmed_email: nil, confirmed_at: ]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
from(u in MayorGame.Auth.User, where: == 2115, update: [set: [is_alt: true]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
from(u in MayorGame.Auth.User, update: [set: [is_alt: false]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
alias MayorGame.City.Buildable
import Ecto.Query
for buildable <- MayorGame.City.Buildable.buildables_list() do
from(t in MayorGame.City.Town, where: field(t, ^buildable) < 0) |> MayorGame.Repo.update_all(set: [{buildable, 0}])
banning alts:
alt_ids = [MayorGame.City.get_town_by_title!("Apokalypse").user_id | alt_ids]
from(u in MayorGame.Auth.User, where: in ^ alt_ids, update: [set: [is_alt: true]])|> MayorGame.Repo.update_all([])
to connect to DB:
fly postgres connect -a mayorgame-db
select name, setting from pg_settings where name like '%wal_size%' or name like '%checkpoint%' order by name;
\c mayorgame;
edit db config:
fly ssh console -a mayorgame-db
cd data
cd postgres
restart DBs:
fly pg restart -a mayorgame-db
see db machine details
fly machine status 73287903f11685 -a mayorgame-db
scaling fly postgres
migrations are in `app/bin/ma
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