This repo has all the steps you need to create a modern GitOps style workflow with Kubernetes.


  • A vanilla Kubernetes cluster
  • A default StorageClass resource installed in the cluster
  • helm to install the Helm operator
  • bash to run all the install scripts
  • kubectl to create Namespaces and Secrets
  • mkcert for all TLS certs


  1. Starting with a new cluster with a default StorageClass
  2. helm-operator/
  3. kapp deploy -a sealed-secrets -f manifests/sealed-secrets
  4. ./
  5. kapp deploy -a ingress-nginx -f manifests/ingress-nginx
  6. kapp deploy -a harbor -f manifests/harbor
  7. Install TBS
  8. kapp deploy -a concourse -f manifests/concourse
  9. Build and push Concourse Helper with cd concourse/Helper && ./concourse/Helper/ 1
  11. kapp deploy -a concourse-secrets -f manifests/concourse-main
  12. cd concourse/pipeline
  13. ./
  14. cd ..
  15. Unpause the pipeline

Stack Overview


Ingress controllers are easier to manage than NodePorts for every app. Use the Kubernetes in-tree nginx Ingress controller. It works fine for a lab environment. This implementation uses hostNetwork: true to bind port 443 for convenience.


Harbor is an OCI image registry with lots of great security features. Harbor uses the nginx Ingress controller for convenience.


Concourse is a container-native automation tool commonly used as a "CI/CD" tool. Concourse uses the nginx Ingress controller for convenience.

Tanzu Build Service

Tanzu Build Service (TBS) uses Cloud Native Buildpacks to turn source code into OCI images. TBS has no UI and does not use the Ingress controller.

Use TBS to build Spring PetClinic

K8s manifests

Your app is defined entirely in Kubernetes manifests. kapp is used to deploy those manifests as part of a Concourse pipeline.


PetClinic is a good example of a Spring Boot app. Use Flux to monitor the PetClinic K8s manifests and deploy them

Tips to make life easier

  1. I used Ubuntu instead of Alpine for the Concourse Helper image. musl behaves strangely sometimes. I was unable to run a particular Golang binary in Alpine.


  • Need to deploy MySQL for PetClinic
  • Write Wavefront Concourse task
  • How to install everything at once
  • How do you provide a username and password to pks get-credentials for use with Concourse? Otherwise I get a password prompt when using OIDC
  • Switch from nginx to Contour using the Bitnami chart
  • Switch to Bitnami for Harbor