A small tool to show the potential privacy implications modern social media have. By tracking online/offline status of people on Facebook, it is possible to get an accurate image of their daily routine, and when they go to sleep, and get up in the morning. Read the blog post: https://medium.com/@sqrendk/how-you-can-use-facebook-to-track-your-friends-sleeping-habits-505ace7fffb6
Clone repository:
git clone git@github.com:sqren/fb-sleep-stats.git
Copy config, and update config/development.json
cp config/default.json config/development.json
Update the following values in config/development.json
- "c_user": your Facebook user id
- "xs": xs value from Facebook cookie
- "appId": Facebook App Id
Install dependencies
npm install
Build assets
npm run build-minified
Start scraping
npm run scrape
Start server
npm start
See the result in the browser