

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the first javascript project given by weJapa internship


  • Create a webpage that has a div. This div can be a circle, square, or any shape. But the div should be atleast 100px wide and 100px high
  • Below the div, add an input field of type number, and a button with generate written on it When a number is entered, and the button is clicked, you are to generate three random numbers within the range of the number entered.
  • The three numbers would be used to generate an rgb color for the div you initially created. i.e the first number would be the r , the second would be the g and the last one would be the g
  • If no number is entered when the button is clicked, display an alert that says You did not enter a valid number
  • If the number entered is less than 0 or greater than 255, the alert would say Please enter a number between 0 and 255


  • HTML
  • CSS (SASS)


It is hosted on netlify and the link is https://quizzical-bardeen-f93d75.netlify.app/