An app that lets you search for restaurants near you and pick and choose the places you'd like to visit in a neat format! Built using Create-React-App, Hook + Context API, Yelp API, Express, and Material UI. A work in progress!
This was my first time using all the tech stacks mentioned above. I've familiarity with React/Redux/LESS format and it was exciting to finally get my hands on the newer Hook + Context API. The hook syntax feels a lot lighter and cleaner than what I'm used to. As for the context API it felt nice not having to deal with the cluster Redux brings along. I'm sure when an app gets more complicated the benefits of an organized Redux codebase will still trump the Context API judging from the tiny bit I've worked with Context API.
As for Create-React-App, the bootstrapping was really nice and quick, saved me quite a bit of time in these busy holiday hours. Dipping my hands into Material UI was nice as well. However, with the little time I had to meet the requirements and try to understand and apply the library properly, it cost me more time and resulted in messier code.
There is still much work to be done for the app. For deployment, to deploy as quickly possible, as it is a small app, GH pages is used for the frontend and Heroku for the API end. From error handling, writing tests, to cleaning up and structuring the code there is a lot more polishing to do. A few additional things I can think of is to apply a linter, implement Typescript, adding CI/CD, and refactoring. A lot of refactoring to do. I would really like to work more on the app to apply hooks/context and the packages properly.