
Impletation of the famous Japanse game in C# | WPF ⚪⚫⚫⚫⚪

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Gomoku Narabe

Implementation of the famous Japanse game Gomoku Narabe Renju in C# | WPF



  • ✔ Animation intro and transitions using WPF storyboard ✨
  • ✔ Variable shuffle depth
  • ✔ Variable board size
  • Alhpa-beta pruning algorithm
  • ✔ Win after x lines drawn
  • ✔ Customize color ⚪⚫, time and level
  • adjust comuter algorithm to take into account the remaining time
  • optimize search space and pruning algorithm
  • add more tests

Dev Environnement

  • Visual Studio 2010 or higher version
  • .NET Framework 4 or higher version


  • C# , WPF no external dependencies