
Primary LanguageRuby

Campaign Tracker


app/app.rb - Sinatra application.

db/config.rb - Database configuration.

db/migrate - Schema migration files.

boot.rb - Add project specific directories to $LOAD_PATH

script/seeds.rb - Creates initial database.

data - JSON for initial seed data.

app/cache.rb - Basic cache.

app/key_hasher.rb - Module that provides hashing functions for cached keys.

config/cache.yml - Cache specific configuration. (for expiration time of objects)

config/resque.yml - Connections settings for Redis used by our Queue processor

Starting the Application

First clone the application to your machine with git. The cd into the project directory and do following:

  1. Install all the gems bundle install

  2. Create database in your local MySQL server. mysql> CREATE DATABASE tracker_development

  3. Change the settings in db/config.yml according to your local MySQL database server.

  4. Migrate the database. bundle exec rake db:migrate

  5. Populate the database with intial data bundle exec ruby script/seeds.rb

  6. Start the Redis server redis-server

  7. Start the Queue processors QUEUE=* VERBOSE=true PIDFILE=/tmp/resque0.pid bundle exec rake environment resque:work --trace

  8. Start the server bundle exec ruby app/app.rb

  9. Visit a Shortlink in your browser like localhost:4567/123 (123 is id) or localhost:4567/foo (foo is slug).

  10. Visit localhost:4567/dashboard for information on Queue and Cache.

Executing Tests

  1. Create test database in your local MySQL server. mysql> CREATE DATABASE tracker_test

  2. Migrate the database. RACK_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate

  3. Start the Redis server redis-server

  4. Start the Queue processors (Optional) RACKE_ENV=test QUEUE=* VERBOSE=true PIDFILE=/tmp/resque0.pid bundle exec rake environment resque:work --trace

  5. Run all tests bundle exec rspec spec


Loading database models in irb

You can load up the models in app/models in your irb session by doing following.

  irb> require '/path/to/boot'
  irb> require 'database'
  irb> Shortlink.first

Seeding the Database

  • There is data/campaigns.json and data/shortlinks.json in which you can add new records that could be loaded in the database with bundle exec ruby script/seeds.rb.

  • When adding new records you'll have to reacreate the entire database. (I'm not improving on this front. Ideally there should be a way for users to enter campaigns and corresponding shortlinks).

  • Always add new records to data/campaigns.json or data/shortlink.json at the bottom of the JSON. This is because value in id column is generated automatically by ActiveRecord. In case you move around the records in JSON and then seed the database, references in shortlink.json (campaign_id ) won't reference the intended record in campaigns.json that you want to.

  • I have not created columns in campaigns table for attributes visibility_status, scheduled_pause_at, priority, store_id, rpc_coins, rpc_usd, ppc_coins, ppc_usd, preview_url and tenant_id. These attributes did not pertain to problem set.

  • shortlinks table does not have columns pertaining to shortlink_id and user_id because these attributes did not pertain to the problem set.


  • app/cache.rb contains basic caching mechanism for the shortlinks. Once you start the application, you can observe the cache hit and misses in log/development.log.

  • You can change the value of expire_after for the number of milliseconds after which a cached object will be considered stale.

  • The expiration time is on per object basis. i.e. Expiration of one cached object does not affect any other cached object.

Background Processing

  • You can see the output of parameters and headers being processed in environment specific log file under log.

  • You can see the queue picking and processing the jobs in resque:work output.

  • The queue processor does not do much. It simply prints the parameters and headers to log file.


Regarding this requirement related to Background queue management:

In case you receive a failure FROM the queue, you should retry pushing the same message again with an exponential backoff time using the following formula: (2^retries * 100) milliseconds. (emphasis mine)

The word FROM in this statement is confusing.

I can think of two scenarios with respect to above requirement:

  1. When the request arrives at the application from browser and before redirecting it to the offer url, application will try to enqueue the parameters and headers to queue for logging. But in case the queue returns error(possibly timeout) the application will keep trying with exponentially increasing time to connect to the queue again and again.

If this is the case, the redirect might take a long a time. And the browser will reject the request with a timeout error. This could be avoided by limiting the number of retries.

  1. When the request arrives at the application from the browser and parameters and headers are queued for logging successfully. (Assuming queue is always available. If the queue is not available, this should be considered an exceptional condition and the issue of queue not being available should be investigated).

During processing, the worker process faces some error. In this case the parameters and headers are enqueued again after exponentially increasing time to process the parameters.

If this is the case, the worker process will blocked till parameters are processed. This could be avoided by limiting the number of retries.

Which of the above two scenarios does the problem set talks about?

I have assumed the first scenario with no limit on number of retries.