
A WordPress plugin to manage various embeds allowed on the WSUWP Platform

Primary LanguagePHP

WSU Embeds

Build Status

Extends the WSUWP Platform to include support for various embeds.

Supported Shortcodes

  • [qualtrics] to embed Qualtrics surveys.
    • url - Required. The full URL to your Qualtrics survey.
    • width - Defaults to 100%. Accepts the same values as the CSS property width.
    • height - Defaults to 100%. Accepts the same values as the CSS propety height.
    • min_height - Defaults to 400px. Accepts the same values as the CSS property min-height.
  • [qualtrics_multi] to redirect a user randomly to one of multiple surveys.
    • url1, url2, url3, url4, url5 can all be used to specify a different URL for the survey.
    • This shortcode can only be used on individual pages. We recommend using the default page template rather than the builder.
  • [wsu_uchat] to embed UChat scripts.
    • id - Required. The ID for your UChat script.
  • [tvw_video] to embed videos from tvw.org.
    • event_id - Required. The ID of the video to play.
    • client_id - Defaults to 9375922947, which may change depending on the video.
    • start - The number of seconds into the video at which it should start playing.
    • stop - The number of seconds into the video at which it should stop playing.
  • [wsuwp_iframe] to embed iframes.
    • src - The full URL of the page to embed. Currently allows pages from emailwsu.sharepoint.com only. Required.
    • title - The value to use for the iframe title attribute. Required.
    • width- Defaults to 800.
    • height - Defaults to 600.
    • responsive - Set to any value to make the iframe responsive. Blank by default.
  • [formtool] - to embed formtool forms
    • url - The URL for the form.
  • [fatv] - to embed fatv videos & playlists
    • id - Id (iid) for the account. script type="text/javascript" src="embed.financialaidtv.com/cms/embed/script/381?iid=86317&hd=1&dim=responsive&language=en"
    • key - Video or playlist key. script type="text/javascript" src="embed.financialaidtv.com/cms/embed/script/381?iid=86317&hd=1&dim=responsive&language=en"
    • type - Single video or playlist. Supports "playlist (/script-playlist-ng/)" or "video (/srcipt/)".
    • Example: [fatv id="86317" key="381" type="video"]
  • [wsuwp_powerbi] to embed iframes.
    • [path] - Required | The relative path of the page to embed. Everything that follows https://app.powerbi.com/
      • Example: app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiYTRjMDU2MTc..etc....
    • width- Optional | Defaults to 100%.
    • height - Optional | Defaults to 800px.
  • [wsuwp_photo_carousel] to embed a swiper.js powered photo carousels.
    • ids - Required. Default null. IDs for the images to be displayed in the carousel.
    • name - Default null; Returns the name of the current instance from the shortcode params or the current page id. Allows for site-wide customization or carousel specific styles. Example #swiper.swiper_page-id-2 { background: crimson } to change all sliders on the page.
    • image_size - Default medium. Image size identifier.
    • random_order - Default false. Shuffles the order in which the ids are included into the shortcode.
    • slides_per_view - Default 3. Number of slides per view (slides visible at the same time on slider's container).
    • slides_per_column - Default 2. Number of slides per column, for multirow layout.
    • space_between - Default 20. Distance between slides in px.
    • preload_images - Default false. When enabled Swiper will force to load all images.
    • lazy - Default true. Enables images lazy loading. If you use slidesPerView, then you should also enable watchSlidesVisibility and Swiper will load images in currently visible slides.
    • watch_slides_visibility - Default true. Enable this option and slides that are in viewport will have additional visible class.
    • download_image_on_click - Default false. Returns true or false, if the user whats the images to download on click.
    • download_image_size - Default full. Image size identifier.
    • pagination_type - Default bullets. The type of pagination to display. Can be "bullets", "fraction", or "progressbar".
    • autoplay - Default true. Controls whether the slider should autoplay.
    • autoplay_delay - Default 3000. Controls the duration at which the carousel progresses to the next slide.

Twitter Timeline

Twitter embedded timelines can be added to content in two ways.

First, a shortcode can be generated directly from a Twitter timeline embed code just by pasting it into your content.

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/WSUPullman" data-widget-id="583397974576734209">Tweets by @WSUPullman</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>

The above code, copied directly from the WSUPullman profile on Twitter, will translate to [wsu_twitter_timeline href="https://twitter.com/WSUPullman" id="583397974576734209" name="Tweets by @WSUPullman"] when a draft is saved or published.

This resulting [wsu_twitter_timeline] shortcode can also be used directly as long as these attributes are available:

  • href - The URL the embed should return to.
  • data_widget_id - The ID of the widget, generated by Twitter.
  • name - The text wrapped in the anchor before Javascript renders the widget.