Generate certs as follows
mkdir .letsencrypt
docker run -it -v $PWD/.letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns --email --server --agree-tos -d '' -d '*'
Go through thr prompts until you get to the challenge Add a TXT record in route 53 as they descibe If it prompts you with two separate challenges on the same subdomain, just try again, I have no idea why it does this It could take a while to update so just run this until it shows you what you expect
dig TXT
In cert manager, import a cert copying the contents of the cert, privkey, and chain Make sure the region is N. Virginia us-east
sudo cat .letsencrypt/live/
sudo cat .letsencrypt/live/
sudo cat .letsencrypt/live/
Setting up cloudfront for https
Create a distribution in cloudfront Put the S3 bucket in as the origin domain name Make sure there are alternate CNAMEs Set the custom SSL cert you just imported (must be us-east), you can use the ARN if it doesn't show up in the drop down
Configure route 53 Use the cloudfront domain name as an A record in ALIAS mode (replace existing A records if needed)
Should use a version scheme so you only have to invalidate index.html in the CDN
After uploading new s3 objects, go into cloudfront, and invalidate