WIP WebIDL to wit convertor.

Conversions of types from WebIDL to wit.

WebIDL type wit type
undefined just leave it out
boolean bool
byte s8
octet u8
short s16
unsigned short u16
long s32
unsigned long u32
long long s64
unsigned long long u64
float f32
unrestricted float f32
double f64
unrestricted double f64
DOMString string
ByteString string
USVString string
interface resource or interface
callback interface
dictionary record
enum enum
callback func
constructor constructor
T? (optional) option<T>
sequence<T> list<T>
record<K, V> A custom resource
or (union) variant
Buffer types (e.g. Int8Array) A custom resource
FrozenArray<T> list<T>
setlike<T> Add set methods
maplike<K, V>
namespace resource or interface
typedef type
const A getter

❓ = Not yet sure how to deal with this type.