
A better tree command with beautiful icons and colors made in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A better tree command with beautiful icons and colors made in Python


The following image is in high quality and captured from a terminal, open it in a new tab to view it clearly, For even better preview, download the demo.html file and open it in a web browser


The library is still in beta so expect some bugs.

Firstly you'll need to install it from github using pip

pip install git+https://github.com/wasi-master/rich-tree

Then you can run the rtree command or python -m rtree command to view the tree. Run rtree --help for more information

You can also optionally alias rtree to tree so that running tree runs rtree instead


Add the following line to your powershell profile

Set-Alias -Name tree -Value "rtree"

Bash, ZSH, Fish etc.

Add the following line to your bash/zsh/fish profile, for more info search how to add aliases for your specific shell in google.

alias tree="rtree"