Process to run the project:

  • rename .env.example to .env and change the keys accordingly

  • run: docker-compose up

  • install dependencies: npm install

  • then run: npm run start:dev

  • api collection: {base api}/api/api-docs/ (default: http://localhost:3001/api/api-docs/)

  • docker db access: docker-compose exec db psql -U test -W seaber_order

  • run tests: npm run test:e2e


  • How stable is this solution?

It should work perfectly. Need load testing to check further.

  • What if the Seaber API goes down?

Need to make a scheduler to resend pending tasks.

  • What if the External System generates lots of messages with unknown types?

Added a api validator to prevent different types.

  • How scalable is this solution?

Can use multiple core to run different queues. So, it's pretty much scalable in both horizontal and vertical way.

  • What if messages from the External System came in a different order?

It doesn't matter, when all data(columns) are filled then we are sending it to the seaber.

  • What if messages from the External System are duplicated?

I didn't configure it yet properly. Currently, it can accept duplicate requests. Can handle using the status, if delivered once then ignore the rest.

  • What if messages from the External System are interleaved with different extOrderId?

It will count as a new order. And previous order will send request when its cycle is completed.

  • What if messages from the External System for the same order came in 1 day between each other?

Depending on the requirements it will be handled. For current solution it doesn't matter.

  • What if a message of any type never comes so the Integration Layer is not able to construct Seaber order?

Current solution can't handle it. Maybe we can make a scheduler to recheck incomplete order and get data from the external server.

  • How easy will it be to update the code if the External System decides to change JSON to XML?

Need to change the api request format in controller then parsing it in service layer.