
Torre-App is created to show technical skills.

Primary LanguageHTML

Torre Assessment Task


Create anything that shows both back-end and front-end skills. The application should include at least some basic processing and data manipulation.

Given endpoints

  1. GET torre.bio/api/bios/username
  2. GET torre.co/api/opportunities/id
  3. POST search.torre.co/opportunities/_search/?[offset=offset&size=size&aggregate=aggregate]
  4. POST search.torre.co/people/_search/?[offset=offset&size=size&aggregate=aggregate]


Trying on the given endpoints, the first one [1] API worked. Utilizing the data of the working endpoint. I brainstormed two ideas.

  1. To create a website that can generate a resume according to the job opportunity.
  2. To create simple website where user can get structured data through his/her username.

Considering the given working API and time, I am selected the second idea. Further, working on research for the last 4 months, it was difficult to produce a good web application in a limited time. Although, I tried my best in all the free slot, I had in the given 72 hours.

Software Architecture

Sigle Page Application Architecture is used for the given task. It is prefered because of the simple requirements.


On clicking any of the three buttons, the required data is checked in a local storage (dictionary). If the data is not found then data is retrieved from the Torre API for the user. Thus API is once called for the user and then required data is retrieved from the dictionay (locally storage).


No suce alogrithm is required for the given application except python dictionary. Python dictionary is implemented using hashtable which is good for search with best and average time complexity O(1) and in worst case it is O(n).


The innovation thinking includes to reanalyzed the Torre website and arranged the profile details in compact form instead of showing data with a use of horizental bar. I used tabs to show data of the user more visualy and simple through tab clicks.

Strategic thinking

After realizing my time constraint. I mostly focused on documentation where I have a fresh grip because of research work for the last 4 months. I am a good programmer becuase of strong problem solving skills. But, I didn't practice my fullstack development skills for the last 4 to 6 months.


A autonomy for the given task is the actual hard thinking which requires more responsibility. The responsibility shows all the skills on practicing the given skills.


I have learned too many things while doing the given task. I have somehow refreshed my old skills. It proved that I am a fast learner.

Attention to the details and Communication

I have mostly worked on my communication, requirements analysis, team-building, management skill, research and entrepreneurship. All these skills are very important along technical skills. These skill keep me separate from other geeks. Futher, I would add considering the details of the task I have am documenting this report.

Progress Log