
Golang technical assessment.

Primary LanguageGo


Golang technical assessment.

Here I am attaching the explanation document: https://hackmd.io/@Artaghal/BkZFgd7zT

Further to execute the gin service, following are the steps

Step-01 Clone the repo to your local system.

git clone https://github.com/wasimkhandot01/assessment.git

Step-02 Get the dependencies used and mentioned in go.mod file.

go get -u ./...

Step-03 Build image from the dockerfile for postgres database. It includes setting user, database and password.

docker build -d postgres-db-image .

Step-04 Start postgres-db container from the image.

docker run -d --name prostgres-db -p 5432:5432

Step-05 Now you need to inspect the container IP which is needed as a host to connect our golang service with it.

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' my-postgres-container

Final-Step Start your golang application

go run main.go