
REST API microservice to handle Companies

Primary LanguageGo

Golang Company Management APIs

REST API microservice to handle Companies

Setup Postgres Database

$ cd migrations
$ goose postgres "<POSTGRES_DB_URL>" up
$ cd ..

Run Development Environment

Set the necessary environment variables in development.env

$ source config/development.env
$ go run main.go

To Run Tests

$ go test ./...

To run the complete project

The complete project can be run with a single command with the tests using the below command

$ chmod +x ./startup.sh // Give run permission for the script
$ ./startup.sh

API Reference

1. GET /company/{company_ids}?filterKey=filterValue 
    To get the details of companies using list of company ids
    * filterKey - company attributes
    * filterValue - value of attributes

2. POST /company

    To create a company
    Sample Post Data:
            "name":"XM",  // Mandatory
            "code":"1234",  // Mandatory
            "country":"USA",  // Mandatory
            "website":"XM.com"  // Not Mandatory
            "phone":"123456"  // Mandatory

3. PATCH /company/{company_id}

    To update company details
    Supported json fields include all the company attributes

4. DELETE /company/{company_id}

    To delete a company from database with the given company id