
just another sails project to connect with instagram API

Primary LanguageCSS


a Sails application from a newbie (not complete yet)

Want to try?

  • git clone git@github.com:waskito/try-instagram-on-sails.git sails-instagram
  • npm install && bower install
  • create an app in instagram developer page (you must login using your instagram account)
  • place your client_id, secret_client url, and callback url in config/local.js
module.exports = {
 	instagram: {
      client_id   : 'CLIENT_ID',
      client_secret : 'CLIENT_SECRET',
      url       : 'URL',
      redirect_url  : 'CALLBACK URL'
  • better use localhost tunnel like ngrok so can run your app without using port 1337 in address bar
  • run sails lift or node app.js then access it on localhost:1337 or your local tunnel url