
OpenBeken Javascript/Vue control panel and Supported Devices (Teardowns/Templates) List

OpenBekenIOT Web App

This repo publishes a simple javascript webb app to


The code is in the gh-pages branch!

The web app is initiated by a very simple webpage on the device at http://(IP)/app

The address the device redirects to defaults to this repo, but there is a configuration on the dveice, so you can host locally on your LAN for more security, or even from the device itself (via the device filesystem if present).

The app root page loads startup.js, which then loads VueJS and a SFC myComponent.vue, which is the guts of the web app. Each page of the app is a separate SFC vuejs control.

Features include OTA, device filesystem management, device configuration, logging, etc.

Device Database

The webApp now supports client device database.

Each device entry consists of the following required fields:

  • vendor: Vendor
  • name: Device name
  • chip: Chipset
  • pins: Pin configuration mapping. The pin value can be PinRole;channel or PinRole;channel;secondChannel
  • image: Main image
  • wiki: Wiki url

And these optional fields:

  • model: Device model
  • board: Board
  • product: Product url
  • urls: Reference urls
  • gallery: Gallery urls
  • flag: Device flag (see new_pins.h)
  • command: Startup command passed to CFG_SetShortStartupCommand_AndExecuteNow
  • keywords: Keywords

Available pin roles:

  • Relay
  • Relay_n
  • Button
  • Button_n
  • LED
  • LED_n
  • PWM
  • WifiLED
  • WifiLED_n
  • Btn_Tgl_All
  • Btn_Tgl_All_n
  • dInput
  • dInput_n
  • TglChanOnTgl
  • dInput_NoPullUp
  • dInput_NoPullUp_n
  • BL0937SEL
  • BL0937CF
  • BL0937CF1
  • ADC
  • SM2135DAT
  • SM2135CLK


    "vendor": "CasaLife",
    "name": "CCT LED Downlight",
    "model": "SMART-AL2017-TGTS",
    "chip": "BK7231T",
    "pins": {
      "7": "PWM;0",
      "8": "PWM;1"
    "image": "https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/4181235400_1659263189.jpg",
    "wiki": "https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/viewtopic.php?p=20123466#20123466",
    "flag": 3

User Interface

The new device selection interface will appear under Config tab if the device has been flashed with the supporting firmware version.

  • Chipset: the device list is initially filtered by the current chipset
  • Device: selecting a device will shows its details
  • Copy Device Pins: copies over the pin configuration
  • Save Pins: saves the pin configuration


Edit indexlocal.html to where window.device points at the test device.

            window.root = '';
            window.device = '';
        <script src="startup.js"></script>

The site content can be served through many ways including nodejs.

  • Install serve node
  • Invoke serve -l 80 from terminal
  • Navigate to http://localhost/indexlocal

The web app page will fetch data from your test device.


If you are using VSCode and plan on editing devices.json, then it can be validated against schema.json by adding this to your settings.

"json.schemas": [

            "fileMatch": [
            "url": "./schema.json"