
A tool for easier grid CSS layout

Primary LanguageJavaScript

vue-css-grid npm version

Components for easier grid CSS layouts in Vue

Important! Version 0.1.1 users

Breaking changes on this new version:

  • All components names were changed to follow the rules of style guide.
  • The usage of the responsive component (now viewport-listener), changed from listening to events to a v-model approach (see details below).


npm install --save vue-css-grid


import Vue from 'vue'

import { CssGrid, CssGridItem, ViewportListener } from 'vue-css-grid'

// Your main grid component, it declares the layout
Vue.component('css-grid', CssGrid)

// A grid item to use inside the grid component
Vue.component('css-grid-item', CssGridItem)

// Optional component to listen to viewport width and height changes
Vue.component('viewport-listener', ViewportListener)

Examples and usage

You can clone this project, install all dev dependencies with npm install and then npm run dev to see a live running example with responsive breakpoints.

For usage reference you can also check directly Example.vue and MainContent.vue components.

Component's props and events


A component to define the grid properties. It should contain css-grid-item components directly in the first level.



Array of strings that defines the number of columns and their size. You can use any combination of css sizing rules like 20px, 1fr, 20% or auto.


Array of strings that defines the number of rows and their size. Also you can use any combination of css sizing rules.


A matrix of strings with dimensions rows x columns. It defines the areas that will fill each cell of the grid.

htmlTag: default 'div'

String that defines the type of html node that the grid component should be.


Defines the gutter between grid-items, can be either one value (10px) or two (5px 10px) for horizontal and vertical gutter.


Useful to define the size of rows when the number of grid-items can be larger than the defined grid, causing more rows than expected. This is just a shorthand for the CSS grid property grid-auto-rows, so you can use any of the allowed strings.


Similar to gridAutoRows but for columns. Also a shorthand for the CSS grid property grid-auto-columns, so you can use any of the allowed strings.

inline: default false

Boolean to define if the display property should be inline-grid instead of just grid.


Component to define the area of the grid to be used. It must be directly inside a css-grid component.

You can add another css-grid component inside the css-grid-item to create more complex layouts nesting grids.



A string that matches one of the areas defined in the grid component


By default the css-grid-item will create a <div>, with this property you can define the HTML element.

endX | width

When not using the area property, you can define the grid-column-start with x, and either use endX to declare where the item ends, or width to declare the number of columns the item should cover.

endY | height

Similarly you can use y, endY or height to define the row position of the gridItem. Remember that if an area is already defined, this will not work.


A component that just adds functionality (won't render anything), it emits an object with viewport data, that you can use with v-model.

Viewport v-model object properties

width: Number

When the viewport width changes, this property will have the current value.

height: Number

When the viewport height changes, this property will have the current value.

isPhone: Boolean

True when viewport.width < 768

isTablet: Boolean

True when 768 <= viewport.width < 992

isDesktop: Boolean

True when 992 <= viewport.width < 1200

isLargeDesktop: Boolean

True when viewport.width >= 1200