
llm training rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Language Model Training in Rust

This project is an implementation of a Language Model (LLM) training framework in Rust. It provides a set of modules and utilities for building, training, and evaluating language models using the transformer architecture.


  • Transformer-based language model architecture
  • Multi-head self-attention mechanism
  • Positional encoding for sequence information
  • Feed-forward neural network layers
  • Embedding layer for input tokens
  • Layer normalization for stable training
  • GELU activation function
  • Adam optimizer for parameter updates
  • Data loading and batching utilities
  • Tokenization and vocabulary handling

Project Structure

The project follows a standard Rust project structure:

  ├── src/
  │   ├── main.rs
  │   ├── config.rs
  │   ├── model.rs
  │   ├── attention.rs
  │   ├── layer_norm.rs
  │   ├── gelu.rs
  │   ├── embedding.rs
  │   ├── positional_encoding.rs
  │   ├── feed_forward.rs
  │   ├── transformer.rs
  │   ├── optimizer.rs
  │   ├── data_loader.rs
  │   ├── tokenizer.rs
  │   └── utils.rs
  ├── tests/
  │   ├── model_test.rs
  │   ├── attention_test.rs
  │   ├── layer_norm_test.rs
  │   ├── gelu_test.rs
  │   ├── embedding_test.rs
  │   ├── positional_encoding_test.rs
  │   ├── feed_forward_test.rs
  │   ├── transformer_test.rs
  │   ├── optimizer_test.rs
  │   ├── data_loader_test.rs
  │   ├── tokenizer_test.rs
  │   └── utils_test.rs
  ├── data/
  │   ├── tiny_shakespeare_train.txt
  │   └── tiny_shakespeare_val.txt
  ├── Cargo.toml
  └── README.md
  • src/: Contains the main source code files for the language model implementation.
  • tests/: Contains the unit tests for each module.
  • data/: Contains the training and validation data files.

Getting Started


  • Rust (stable version)
  • Cargo (Rust package manager)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/wassemgtk/llm-training-rust.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd llm-training-rust


To train the language model, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your training data:

    • Place your training data file (e.g., tiny_shakespeare_train.txt) in the data/ directory.
    • Update the file_path variable in main.rs to point to your training data file.
  2. Configure the model hyperparameters in the Config struct in config.rs.

  3. Run the training script:

    cargo run --release
  4. Monitor the training progress and metrics logged to the console.


To run the test suite and ensure the correctness of the implemented modules, use the following command:

cargo test

This will execute all the test functions in the tests/ directory.

Generating Text

To generate text using a trained model checkpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a trained model checkpoint file (e.g., model_checkpoint.bin) in the project directory.

  2. Update the model_checkpoint variable in main.rs to point to your trained model checkpoint file.

  3. Set the desired generation parameters (e.g., max_new_tokens, temperature) in the generate function call in main.rs.

  4. Run the text generation script:

    cargo run --release --bin generate
  5. The generated text will be printed to the console.


The Config struct in config.rs contains the hyperparameters and configuration settings for the language model. You can modify these values to experiment with different model architectures and training setups.

Model Checkpointing

During training, the model checkpoints will be saved in the project directory with the specified checkpoint interval. You can use these checkpoints to resume training from a previous state or to generate text using a trained model.


The project relies on the following dependencies:

  • rand: Random number generation for sampling and initialization.
  • serde: Serialization and deserialization of data structures.
  • serde_json: JSON serialization and deserialization.
  • bincode: Binary serialization and deserialization.
  • approx (dev): Approximate floating-point comparisons for testing.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • The transformer architecture is based on the paper "Attention Is All You Need" by Vaswani et al.
  • The implementation draws inspiration from various open-source language model implementations in the Rust ecosystem.