
Build a snap package for SayMore.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Install SayMore (via WINE) on a snap-enabled system.

This needs to be installed with the --devmode flag because of how snap's confinement works, and how SayMore's Welcome Screen and Project Window handle switching back and forth to each other. Devmode also means that there will be no automatic updates. All updates have to be done manually, always remembering to use the --devmode flag.


Open a terminal, copy/paste this command, then hit [Enter]:

snap install saymore-unofficial --devmode

On many systems the command will pop up a window asking for your user password. But on some systems you may need to use sudo instead to elevate permissions:

sudo snap install saymore-unofficial --devmode

After installation (which will likely require up to 1 GB of downloading) you will be able to start SayMore from your normal app menu.

Sometimes the installation of .NET (dotnet462) hangs. See Troubleshooting below for tips.


snap refresh saymore-unofficial --devmode


sudo snap refresh saymore-unofficial --devmode


Hung installation

See if any processes have hung by using the watch-procs subcommand in a terminal:


If none of the processes show higher than, say, 10% CPU usage for more than a couple of minutes, then it has probably stalled.

  • If you started the installer in a terminal you can use Ctrl+C to stop it.
  • Regardless, you will probably need to use the terminal command saymore-unofficial.kill-procs to kill the background processes that will likely still be running.
  • Then start the app again (from the apps menu or in a terminal) and it will continue installation where it left off.

SayMore doesn't start

Maybe the installation got corrupted, especially if it hung during the initial install and you had to start it again.

  • Fully remove the WINE installation with the command saymore-unofficial.remove-wine-prefix.
  • Open the app again (from the apps menu or in a terminal) and it will reinstall the WINE prefix and SayMore.

SayMore starts in a random "test" project

This has been added as a workaround. Without an existing project on first run SayMore throws an error if you try to add a Session or a Person to any project. Just choose "open or create" another project from the menu to get back to the Welcome Screen.