Pinned Repositories
We extracted a sample of 40 littered Google Street View San Diego images for training and sample of a random sample of ~50,000 Google Street View images across San Diego, California for testing, processed the data, trained shape recognition and color recognition models, classified our images based on each model as littered/not littered, and designed an interactive website for visualizing which zip codes in San Diego are least and most littered. The goal is to engage public and government officials in keeping San Diego beautiful. This is a prototype and shows the potential of using data science for public benefit.
wastebotsunleashed's Repositories
We extracted a sample of 40 littered Google Street View San Diego images for training and sample of a random sample of ~50,000 Google Street View images across San Diego, California for testing, processed the data, trained shape recognition and color recognition models, classified our images based on each model as littered/not littered, and designed an interactive website for visualizing which zip codes in San Diego are least and most littered. The goal is to engage public and government officials in keeping San Diego beautiful. This is a prototype and shows the potential of using data science for public benefit.