
ARIN IPv4 Waitlist Monitor - Slack Alerts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ARIN Waitlist Monitor

Monitor ARIN's IPV4 Waitlist for changes and reports the current status of your waitlist entry in Slack.


Docker Hub

Pull the latest image from Docker Hub:

docker pull wastrachan/arin-waitlist

Github Container Registry

Or, pull from the GitHub Container Registry:

docker pull ghcr.io/wastrachan/arin-waitlist

Build From Source

Clone this repository, and run make build to build an image:

git clone https://github.com/wastrachan/docker-arin-waitlist.git
cd docker-arin-waitlist
make build



Run this image with the make run shortcut, or manually with docker run.

docker run --name arin-waitlist \
           --rm \
           -e ARIN_WAITLIST_TIME="Tue, 25 Feb 2020 13:07:29" \
           -e SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/TTtttttTT" \
           -d \


Configuration is accomplished through the use of environment variables. The inclusive list is below.

Environment Variables

Variable Required Default Description
UPDATE_SCHEDULE No */5 * * * * Cron-style schedule for waitlist updates.
ARIN_WAITLIST_TIME Yes - The timestamp for your waitlist entry. You can locate this timestamp on the IPV4 Waiting List. The timestamp can be copied right off of this page-- but leave off the timezone. A valid entry may read T2024-02-02T19:58:22.198+00:00
ARIN_WAITLIST_URL No https://www.arin.net/rest/waitinglist URL of the ARIN API.
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Yes - Webhook URL created for your Slack workspace.
SLACK_EMOJI No :hourglass: Customize the emoji displayed in your Slack alert.
SLACK_TITLE No ARIN Waitlist Monitor Customize the name of your Slack alert.


The content of this project itself is licensed under the MIT License.