
A prototype to try out PEMA class

Primary LanguageR

Apriori algorithm application through PEMA class

This is a prototype to try out PEMA class in RevoPemaR package.


The purpose of this project is to show one possible way to utilize PEMA class through Apriori algorithm application.

What is PEMA?

PEMA stands for Parallel External Memory Algorithm, which does not require all of the data to be in memory at one time.

More about PEMA

RevoPema Getting Started Guide


MovieLens dataset

How to Run

  1. Download MovieLens datasets and unzip them under org-data folder which is in your home directory.
  2. Create a folder named input in your home directory.
  3. Execute data_conversion.R. This creates a bunch of files in input folder.
  4. Execute PemaAprioriExec.R, maybe first and later half separately.

To be Considered

  1. How to eliminate redundant rules from the result of Apriori.
  2. How to adjust Apriori computation when ids are sparsed integers.
  3. How to distribute Apriori algorithm execution.