
mongodb data mock util using template json file

Primary LanguagePython


Chinese mongo-mockio is a tool for mocking data into mongodb from well defined JSON file. It supports command line and web service to help mocking data into MongoDB. Here is an example in mongo-mockio:

  1. Create a JSON file as temp.json In the first layer, 'user' is the MongoDB Collection name In the second layer, the key of the JSON body is the field of the collection
    "user": {
        "name": {"$choose": "$name"},
        "address": "$facker.address()",
        "age": {"$between": [21, 99]},
        "sex": {"$choose": ["female", "male"]},
        "area": {        
            "country": {"$chooses": "$country"},
            "region": {"$choose": ["Europe", "Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Oceania"]}
        "birthday": { "$between": ["1990-03-26", "2000-12-29"]},
        "peer": {"$choose": [
                "first": "dont know",
                "second": "Unknown"
                "first": "know it",
                "second": "known"
        "lastLoginAt": "$ip"
  1. cd mockio
  2. python cmd.py -f temp.json -n 1201 -m -d prod

Operator is a function which requires dataset you wanna to set in the field Usage:

    "name" : {"$choose": ["kim", "kiki"]}
Operators Input Type PlaceHolder Support
$choose [Any...] Yes
$chooses [Any...] Yes
$between [str_date OR int] No

PlaceHolder is the source of data you add in mockio/source dictionary with some default source. It also support python Facker library, use '$facker.fackermethod()' to call. eg. add source/city.json then you can use $city stands for a city list in source/city.json file.

Operators Output Type
$ip "x.x.x.x"
$country Any
$region Any
$incrementIntId begin from 1 ...
$[custom] Any
$faker.method() Any
    "city" : {"$choose": "$city"}

Why & How to add a {custom} placeholder

If you have a city list in json format and want to use it as a data source, you can save the city list in the format of city.json file and place it under the resource folder, so you can use $city to get your data

  1. add {custom}.json file to source dictionary
  2. {custom}.json file requires list format
  3. then you can use ${custom} as placeholder

How to use

  • [Required] install
    pip install -r requirement.txt
  • [Optional] make own placeholder
  • [Required] write a template json file
    "user": {
        "name": {"$choose": "$name"},
        "age": {"$between": [21, 99]},
        "sex": {"$choose": ["female", "male"]},
        "area": {        
            "country": {"$chooses": "$country"},
            "region": {"$choose": ["Europe", "Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Oceania"]}
        "birthday": { "$between": ["1990-03-26", "2000-12-29"]},
        "peer": {"$choose": [
                "first": "dont know",
                "second": "Unknown"
                "first": "know it",
                "second": "known"
        "lastLoginAt": "$ip"
  • cmd (1.) Use command line
    • python cmd.py -h eg. python main.py -f temp.json -n 1201 -m -d prod (2.) use .env file
1, command line, 
2, .env file
3, default 
  • web
    • flask run


{'name': 'Jihyo', 'age': 88, 'sex': 'female', 'area': {'country': ['Aruba', 'Kiribati', 'Brunei Darussalam', 'Gambia', 'Dominican Republic', 'Belarus', 'Philippines', 'Burundi'], 'region': 'Africa'}, 'birthday': datetime.datetime(1991, 5, 4, 8, 5, 5), 'peer': {'first': 'know it', 'second': 'known'}, 'lastLoginAt': ''}
{'name': 'Tzuyu', 'age': 90, 'sex': 'female', 'area': {'country': ['United States of America', 'Kiribati', 'Germany', 'Zambia', 'Brazil', 'Austria', 'Angola', 'Curaçao', 'Jersey'], 'region': 'Africa'}, 'birthday': datetime.datetime(1993, 11, 25, 16, 31, 9), 'peer': {'first': 'dont know', 'second': 'Unknown'}, 'lastLoginAt': ''}