
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Simple editor to create/edit bodypart lables for DeepLabCut

  • Read a inferred output (like _resnet50_test01Dec21shuffle1_100000.h5) and movie (.mp4)
  • Display video and markers for inferred bodyparts
    circle <0.011, thick cross < (adjustable, defalut=0.9) > thin cross
  • The markers can be dragged freely
  • Add manual annotation for freezing for each mouse
  • Output only the frames and bodypart coordinates that are modified

Not implimented yet

  • Merge with existing training dataset and relabel them if need

Using the basic code from maximus009/VideoPlayer


Step0: Annotate freezing

Read video
Annotate freezing
Output trajectory and freezing file (*_trajectory_freezing.csv, *_freezing.csv)

Step1: Scan bad prediction from the entire video

Read DeepLabCut inferring output, Video
Select frame with false prediction
Output dlc2_edit_labels output file
 frame#, coordinates, description (history etc.)

Step2: Merge the selected bad frame with the previous training dataset

Read DeepLabCut training dataset, like “CollectedData_wataru.h5”
Merge into the internal dlc2_edit_labels data frame
 frame#, coordinates, description (history etc.)
Add/drop frame and edit coordinate
1. dlc2_edit_labels output file
 frame#, coordinates, description (history etc.)|
2. DeepLabCut training dataset, like “CollectedData_wataru.h5”
3. corresponding video frames


video control

w: start palying
s: stop playing
a: step back a frame
d: step forward a frame
q: play faster
e: play slower
<space>: go to next frame containing nan value

marker manipulation

(left hold drag): drag a marker
(right click): delete a marker
r: back to the inferring coords
<number>: add bodypart (see number for each bodypart in the coordinate window)
p: set p_value, which set the boundary between thick and thin cross marking

annotate freezing

!: target sub1
@: target sub2
j: freezing start, freeze_flag on (first video frame for freeze)
k: freezing end, freeze_flag off (first video frame when animal start moving)
u: erase freezing annotation, freeze_flag off

mode change

0: drug mode

Install env: