
Water My Plants is a React web application that allows users to set reminders to water their plants.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Our Product Vision Document:


☝️ Proposal

  • What problem does your app solve?
    • Keep track of our plants and make sure they are watered. Our app allows us to tailor a specific schedule for our plants.
  • Be as specific as possible; how does your app solve the problem?
    • Allowing the user to create a schedule for their plants
    • Allow the user to update the status of the plant
  • What is the mission statement?
    • Plants need love too!!

💡 Features

  • What features are required for your minimum viable product?
    • A user login that takes a unique username, mobile phone number and a password
    • User registration
    • A user can create, update and delete a plant, the plant must have the properties of id which is an integer, a nickname and species which should be a string, water frequency TBD
    • A user can view a list of created plants. The plant can be deleted or selected to present the user with a detailed view where they can update any property of the selected plant (User dashboard)
    • A user can update their phone number and password.
  • What features may you wish to put in a future release?
    • Make a notification letting the user know that their plant is ready to be watered.
    • Allow user to upload an image of the plant.
  • What do the top 3 similar apps do for their users?
    • Provide notifications to water their plant, incentives to water your plant, step by step guides on how to take care of your plant and maintenance, a plant journal to keep track of your plants growth, you can add photos and texts. Plant identification, allows you to identify plants.

🛠 Frameworks - Libraries

  • What 3rd party frameworks/libraries are you considering using?
    • Styled components, Redux, JSON web tokens.
  • Do the APIs you need require you to contact them to gain access?
    • No external API needed, working off a local database.
  • Are you required to pay to use said API(s)?
    • No as it is a local database.

🎯 Target Audience

  • Who is your target audience? Be specific.
    • Anyone that owns a plant, or anyone that is interested in the future.
  • What feedback have you gotten from potential users?
    • Notifications are good, a schedule to have a drop down to tell what needs to be watered is important