World Generation - V2
World generation is a little project in python who the objectif is to generate a world with a simple preset. The generation is volontary "simple" and is the fruit of simples maths rules.
Generate a world
The first step is to implement a preset file, a preset file is a .json
. The structure is :
"biomeCode" :
"name" : "biomeName",
"code" : "biomeCode",
"color": "biomeColor",
"weight" : "biomeWeight" // The weight define the influence of your biome
A complete exemple : here
Now, you can create a world with preset file :
from import load_biomes
from import World
biomes = load_biomes('assets/output.json')
w = World('name', 100, biomes, False)
To generate a world you need to set biomes center :
w.set_biomes_center(5) #Number of biome center
And, you can fill it :
Show a World
If you want to have a visual representation of your world, you can use the
show function :
. It loads a world and generate a graphic version into the folder assets/output.png
from import show