Cross-platform Serial port (Com port) programming in C++ with wxWidgets for Windows and Linux
- ceSerial.h : the header of the serial class library to include
- ceSerial.cpp : the implementation of the serial class library
- conserial.cpp : a simple console example program that uses 'ceSerial' class library
- wxserial.cpp : a wxWidgets GUI example program using serial port
The explanation and examples can be found at
To build and run console example, conserial.cpp, on Linux
$ g++ conserial.cpp ceSerial.cpp -o conserial -std=c++11
$ sudo ./conserial
To build and run console example, conserial.cpp, on Windows
g++ conserial.cpp ceSerial.cpp -o conserial.exe -std=c++11
To build and run wxWidgets example, wxserial.cpp, on Linux
$ g++ wxserial.cpp ceSerial.cpp `wx-config --cxxflags --libs` -o wxserial -std=c++11 -DNDEBUG
$ sudo ./wxserial