Former watir.gem that referenced both watir-webdriver and watir-classic
- 4
Cannot use headless: Stack too deep
#13 opened by phuongnd08 - 1
Watir support for Microsoft Edge and IE 11
#22 opened by ambikashri - 0
Browser#initialize causes infinite loop
#24 opened by jbielick - 4
using watir with jenkins
#23 opened by caio1234 - 1
Open bracket in send_keys for select2 dropdown input results in option scroll down rather than text input
#21 opened by gavk34 - 1
- 2
- 1
Watir.com Domain Expired
#19 opened by Shellcat-Zero - 1
Can I run watir on Debian server in production&
#18 opened by stopanko - 1
Broken Link
#17 opened by spook873 - 5
- 2
- 4
Update the HTML elements supported by Watir page
#14 opened by dare05 - 0
License missing from gemspec
#12 opened by bf4 - 1
- 3
- 1
watir 4.+ and firefox profile
#10 opened by systestrjr - 4
- 4
Extending watir classes.
#6 opened by hemanth - 1
RDoc needs links to bundled gems
#1 opened by hmcgowan - 2
Getting the Real HTML Source
#2 opened by jherzog - 2
Set value from css selector.
#7 opened by hemanth - 1
rautomation dependency missing in gem
#4 opened by brettveenstra - 1
watir 1.5.3 is not clicking links on IE9
#3 opened by shanth