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A collection of stuff and things I come across:

very good and special checksum command

recursively create checksum of all files in a directory while:

  • excluding the checksum file itself from being hashed

  • avoiding ./ in front of filenames

  • sorting the list alphabetically

    find . -type f -not -name "checksum.sha256" -exec echo {} \; | cut -c 3- | sort | xargs -r -d '\n' sha256sum > checksum.sha256

here's a script to do it recursivly

unnecessarily compressed 7z archive

7zzs a -mx=9 -myx=9 -ms=on -slp -mmt=on archive.7z src/

a - add to archive mode

-mx=9 - sets compression level to max

-myx=9 - sets file analysis level to max

-ms=on - sets archive to solid block mode (you need to decompress the whole archive to access a single file)

-slp - set large memory pages mode. improves compression for archives over 100mb

about memory usage

-mmt=on - enable multithreading, alternatively replace "on" with the number of threads you want


-sdel - delete source files after archiving

-mmemuse=60p - set memory limit to 60%

-mmemuse=5g - set memory limit to 5 GiB

I recommend setting -mmt=on and -mmemuse to whatever you want. 7z will use as many cores as possible with the memory limit you set. The default memory limit is 80%.

Keep in mind that using more than one thread for compression is less efficient but usually not worth the tradeoff in speed.