
Get a progress bar as a string

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generate a CLI progress bar as a string that you can then output in any way you like.

Build status js-standard-style


npm install progress-string --save


var progress = require('progress-string')
var diff = require('ansi-diff-stream')()

var value = 0
var total = 42
var bar = progress({width: 50, total: total})

setInterval(function () {
    'The progress of the program is:\n' +
  if (value === total) process.exit()
}, 250)



var bar = progress(options)

This module exposes a function that takes a single options argument and retuns a bar function.

These are the options:

  • total - (integer) The max value of the progress bar
  • width - (integer, default: 42) The width of the progress bar in chars
  • incomplete - (string, default: -) The char used to indicate the incomplete part of the progress bar
  • complete - (string, default: =) The char used to indicate the completed part of the progress bar
  • style - (function, optional) See options.style below for details


You can provide a custom styling function to style the progress bar returned by the bar function.

It will be called with two arguments: complete and incomplete. Each a string representing its part of the progress bar.

Whatever the style function returns will be returned by the bar function.

var bar = progress({
  width: 10,
  total: 100,
  style: function (complete, incomplete) {
    // add an arrow at the head of the completed part
    return complete + '>' + incomplete

console.log(bar(50)) // =====>-----

var str = bar(value)

Call the bar function with the value you want to the generated progress bar to have.

The bar function will return a string representation of the progress bar.
